Brewzilla - Gen 3.0 to 3.1.1 Upgrade Kit
Compatible with all RoboBrew / BrewZilla Generation 3 units in both 35L and 65L
How to tell if you have a BrewZilla 3.1 or BrewZilla 3.1.1
Both the Gen 3.1 and Gen 3.1.1 circuit boards and screens look identical. The Gen 3.1.1 BrewZilla can be distinguished from the Gen 3.1 BrewZilla by the presence of boil timers for hop additions.
To determine if your circuit board is a Gen 3.1.1 ensure the BrewZilla is paused and then press the TEMP button and increase the temperature to boiling. If HH is shown then this indicates you have a Gen 3.1.1 circuit board, if 100 is shown then this indicates you have a Gen 3.1 circuit board.
The Gen 3.1.1 circuit board is an improvement over the Gen 3.1 circuit board as it won’t start a programmed stage until it hits the set the temperature.
On the Gen 3.1 circuit board the timer would start counting down prior to hitting the desired temperature. In some cases, following sparging the timer could be half way through a 60-minute boil timer before even reaching a boil. This allows for a more precise brewing process.
Instructions to upgrade to a Gen 3.1.1 BoardWhen upgrading from the older Gen 3.1 board to the new 3.1.1 board it’s important to realise the wiring is the same however if you are upgrading from a Gen 3.0 board to a Gen 3.1.1 board then the wiring is different
Upgrading a Gen 3.0 circuit board to a Gen 3.1.1 circuit board
Step 1
Before disconnecting any wires get some masking tape and number the wires on the old board from 1 to 9. (Do not disconnect any wires before you do this).
Step 2Disconnect the wires using a phillips head screw driver one at a time and taking note of the new wiring position on the new board replace the wires one at a time.
Step 3
Change out the screen board and plug the new ribbon cable from the screen board into the main board.
Upgrading a Gen 3.1 circuit board to a Gen 3.1.1 circuit board Disconnect the wires on the Gen 3.1 circuit board using a phillips head screw driver one at a time and connect to the Gen 3.1.1 circuit board in the same position as they were on the Gen 3.1 circuit board.
Upgrading from a:
3.0 to 3.1.1 = Both the LCD and Power Boards (PCB) will need to be purchased
3.1 to 3.1.1 = Only the LCD will need to be purchased